Sustainable Housing Projects With Battery Energy Storage Systems
The UK have goals to be net zero by 2050 and one of the newest advancements for the public and commercial are said to be not only helping
contribute towards net zero but also saving people a lot of money thanks to battery storage systems.
Housing Battery Storage…
- New housing schemes deploy batteries for electrical backup, which is becoming a key trend towards sustainable living.
- Currently, prefabricated smart integrated battery energy storage systems are available which can be installed at the apartment building and may substantially contribute with a long term return on investment.
- Residential battery systems can be coupled with solar and wind power to provide clean and steady power backup.
- There exist many opportunities available for home battery system providers, since in the future all apartment complexes will be made after careful consideration of battery placement and installation.
Globalization has affected our earth’s environment and has caused an energy system to transform from a centralized fossil fuel-based to a decentralized renewable energy-based system [1]. Over the last two decades, the confluence of the green movement with affordable housing is an important advancement in improving building energy efficiency, providing healthy living, and reducing negative environmental effects [2]. In the United States, there is demand for 7 to 10 million sustainable housing units for low-income families or people who are homeless [3]. The Terner Center’s 2017 report emphasizes that off-site house construction, having the potential for considerable cost and time savings in the manufacturing process, is a promising breakthrough set to lower housing costs dramatically [4]. Therefore, the demand for sustainable housing projects is increasing, and the building industry needs to capitalize on the benefits of off-site construction of battery energy storage systems (BESS).
What a BESS is and How it Works
A BESS is an energy storage system (ESS) that gathers energy from different sources and stores it in rechargeable batteries and then uses it later. As per the requirement, this stored electrochemical energy is utilized to power up homes, electric vehicles, and industrial and commercial buildings [5].
A BESS is a hybrid system that includes hardware as well as low- and high-level software. The following are the primary components of BESS [5]:
- Battery Modules – Individual battery cells are arranged in a module to form battery packs. They convert chemical energy into electrical energy.
- Battery Containers – Storage enclosures specifically designed for batteries to keep them safe from heat, light, and moisture.
- Power conversion system (PCS) – This component contains a bidirectional inverter that converts the direct current (DC) produced by batteries into an alternating current (AC) and vice versa.
- Battery management system (BMS) – A BMS continuously monitors the battery’s health and protects it from fire and hazards. It also monitors the battery’s voltage, temperature, and state of charge (SOC).
- Energy management system (EMS) – The energy flow within a battery storage system is monitored and controlled by this component. By collecting and analyzing data from BMS and PCS, an EMS efficiently manages the overall power system of a BESS.

Benefits of BESS in Sustainable Housing Projects
Residential batteries are gaining popularity for being a low-cost, easy-to-use technology. Sustainable housing developers can take advantage of BESS since they reduce utility demand costs, resulting in long-term cost savings. Some major benefits of using BESS in residential projects are given below [6], [7]:
Peak Shaving
The electricity demand varies throughout the day. Utility companies may charge you a higher peak-demand rate during periods of high demand. With a BESS installed at your residence, the batteries can be charged during off-peak hours, and supply power to the loads during high-peak demand hours. This process is known as peak shaving and it significantly reduces your energy costs.
Return on Investment
BESS may deliver an economic return on investment by powering critical loads such as lighting, water, and communications; while also safeguarding vulnerable residents at little to no net cost, making sustainable housing more adaptable.
Backup Generation
BESS will provide your residence with reliable power during grid outages. It also works as a steady power backup during load transfer to the generator. During a grid outage, loads may need to be turned off before the generator can be turned on. The use of BESS eliminates the requirement to de-energize the load.
Integration with Solar
BESS will provide your residence with reliable power during grid outages. It also works as a steady power backup during load transfer to the generator. During a grid outage, loads may need to be turned off before the generator can be turned on. The use of BESS eliminates the requirement to de-energize the load.
Issues and Challenges of Using BESS
BESS will provide your residence with reliable power during grid outages. It also works as a steady power backup during load transfer to the generator. During a grid outage, loads may need to be turned off before the generator can be turned on. The use of BESS eliminates the requirement to de-energize the load.
Safety Concerns
Since BESS is installed within the housing projects, hence there is a high concern for fire safety. Batteries can get heated up in day-to-day operations. Although proper ventilation can lower the temperature, areas that already have warm weather need further precautionary measures.
Availability of Technologies
Due to infrastructure access and high installation costs, BESS technology and application are mostly available in high-income groups. As a result, there is an opportunity to introduce these technologies to low- and middle-income groups as early as possible.
BESS Opportunities in Sustainable Housing
Our planet demands from us a sustainable lifestyle for a better future. UN-HABITAT considers the housing sector as a key enabler to efficiently reducing global GHG emissions. Mass adoption of these efforts will make housing more environment friendly and contribute to sustainable living to improve our overall quality of life[9].
To help develop a sustainable society, clean and renewable energy sources are required. These sources must displace our current dependence on fossil fuels such as oil, natural gas, and coal. The challenge with renewable energy sources is that they may not be available when they are mostly required. Battery energy storage systems (BESS), for example, are an excellent storage option for meeting such challenges. They make it possible to store clean and renewable energy until it is needed [10].
The battery market is still in its early stages, with a variety of competing technologies available. But utilities are beginning to understand the benefits of reducing peak-hour power demand and are pushing for additional grid storage capacity [11]. Similarly, at the consumer level if additional storage capacity exists in the form of BESS, then peak-hour power demand can be managed efficiently to achieve our environmental goals.
Solar Power Integration with BESS
Integrating the existing installed battery storage with solar power can make available a clean and green power source to supply the entire housing project. BESS helps the residents of housing societies to efficiently transfer energy to renewable sources such as rooftop solar.
With the use of lithium-ion batteries, the price of BESS is going down and these systems are becoming affordable for residents as compared to the past. Recent housing projects are moving towards BESS deployment as compared to older more expensive battery storage systems. Energy storage systems such as BESS are becoming an integral aspect of modern solar photovoltaic projects [12].
Is BESS a Worthwhile Investment for Housing Projects?
The short answer to this question is, yes. The price of batteries is dropping rapidly and they are beginning to play an increasingly significant role in sustainable energy projects. BESS usage fosters markets moving away from specific applications like grid balancing, toward applications like replacing traditional power generators, providing quality backup power services, and enabling renewables integration [10].
Energy storage has become the top of the list in electric utility trends having innovative and emancipatory technologies. Rapid technology advancements, growing interest from consumers and utilities, and greater competition are all factors that are making storage increasingly appealing to modern-day energy infrastructure [13].
Housing projects will be inherently hedged against power outages through the installation of batteries. It can take weeks for the grid to return to the required capacity to provide community-wide recovery and rehabilitation after a disaster, thus having resilient backup support for households is critical.
BESS is an ideal solution for providing a reliable source of backup for residential housing projects. BESS technology has become much more robust and transformative than in the past; they can be easily integrated with existing solar and wind assets. Battery and energy storage is the future of renewable energy and a necessary requirement for a sustainable, carbon-free future.
[4] C. Galante, S. Draper-Zivetz, and A. Stein, ‘Building Affordability by Building Affordably: Exploring the Benefits, Barriers, and Breakthroughs Needed to Scale Off-Site Multifamily Construction’, Mar. 2017. Accessed: Jun. 19, 2022. [Online]. Available: https://ternercenter.berkeley.edu/research-and-policy/offsite-construction/
[8] M. A. Hannan et al., ‘Battery energy-storage system: A review of technologies, optimization objectives, constraints, approaches, and outstanding issues’, J. Energy Storage, vol. 42, p. 103023, Oct. 2021, doi: 10.1016/j.est.2021.103023.
[9] E.-L. Hannula, Going Green , A Handbook of Sustainable Housing Practices in Developing Countries | UN-Habitat. Kenya: UN-Habitat, 2012. Accessed: Jun. 20, 2022. [Online]. Available: https://unhabitat.org/going-green-a-handbook-of-sustainable-housing-practices-in-developing-countries